Events & News
Next evenings open to visitors
  • September 2008: Thursday 09/09/2008 @ 9.00 pm
  • October 2008: Thursday 09/10/2008 @ 9.00 pm
  • November 2008: Monday 09/11/2008 @ 9.00 pm
  • December 2008 Tuesday 09/12/2008 @ 9.00 pm

Remember that for weather conditions the indicated dates can change therefore it is always necessary to phone for confirmation (39-051-333303). Ticket 3€.
The observatory can be opened upon request for little groups of people. Call 39-051-333303, (4-5 people at least).


Interesting to observe (by Ilaria Sganzerla )

Some news about astronomical events and the night sky for this month (Italian language)


The course in astronomy 2008

Astronomy you can practice simply raising the head.

Frequency: weekly, Wednesday from 9.00 to 10.30 pm
Duration: 10 meetings of 1,5 hour each, inside the Society Parco Giardini Margherita via Paglietta 15, near P.ta San Mamolo.
Price: 30 € plus 12 € for registration fee.


.03/05/08 - Struttura generale dell'Universo
 03/12/08 - La Terra come superficie sferica, l'Universo visto dalla Terra
 03/26/08 - Il moto di rotazione: l'Universo visto dalla Terra II
 04/02/08 - Il moto di rivoluzione: l'Universo visto dalla Terra III 
 04/09/08 - Le principali costellazioni - Storia dei loro nomi 
 04/16/08 - Serata osservativa
 04/23/08 - I moti della Luna - Le Eclissi -
 05/07/08 - Le Maree - Il calendario
 05/14/08 - I pianeti e come funziona e si usa un telescopio 
 05/21/08 - Serata osservativa

For infomation, call Andrea: 39-335-5902908



The drawings in this page have been painted by some young students of varius Italian schools and kindly granted by the Unione Astrofili Bresciani. In order they are: drawing by a student of the Primary School "Manzoni" of Udine.- drawing by Marika Campana, Primary School "Cosmè Tura" of Pontelagoscuro, Ferrara. - drawing by a student of the Primary School "P. Valussi" of Udine.

GAGM - Bologna